The size indicated does not include the frame.
Al-Falak is the 113th sura of the Holy Quran, named after the first verse. It was sent down to Mecca and consists of five verses. Al-Falyak sura is one of the earliest among those sent to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, Meccan suras intended to protect a person from all evil coming from people and genies.
The engraving is framed in a baguette and decorated with oriental ornaments. The Quran sura is arranged in the center of the composition translated as follows:
1. In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Heartful!
2. Say: “I seek protection from the Lord of the Dawn
3. from the evil of everything He has created,
4. from the evil of the darkening as it comes,
5. from the evil of the sorceresses spitting on nodes,
6. from the evil of the envier when he envies.”